I am very blessed to have a husband who accompanies our family to church. He was raised as a catholic so our apostolic faith church is different then what he was raised. As a child he went to mass on special days and holidays but it was not really a "way of life". He wasn't raised on Jesus more as raised on religion. He used to not accompany me to church and I would sit alone with my children. But praise be to God, he is now attending every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesdays if he doesn't have to work.
He goes with me to teach Sunday school and the kids really like himbeing there and is a big help since I teach the younger children. I am still praying that God will touch him and prick his heart. I pray that he will seek the Lord in all that he does and that he will become the spiritual head of the household. I am praying and believing that one day he will lead his family in prayer and Bible study. His best friends are all catholic and we love them very much and they are good friends to us. But a lot of the catholic religion remains with him through them and his family. He is surrounded by it on a daily basis. So I pray that God will give him the desire to seek and live according to His will. I pray that he will have that relationship and not the religion.
I found a 31 day plan for praying for our husbands. (I found this on thefamilyhomestead.com) I am going to begin praying this over him daily.I have faith and believe that my prayers will reach the very throne of God and a supernatural change will begin to take place. I thank God for all He has done already in the life of my husband and I know He will continue the work that has begun. I have listed the first seven days of this prayer below and will list them each week.
Day 1. That he might become a holy man, a man of prayer, mature in theLord, growing in his knowledge of the Lord. 1 Thess 5:23, Col 4:12, Eph1:18-19, 3:16-19, 6:18
Day 2 That he might grow in all 11 descriptions of a man who will notbe shaken as listed in Psalm 15.
Day 3 That he might be a man of contentment as seen in Prov 15:16, Phil4:11, 1 Tim 6:6-8, Heb 13:5
Day 4 That he might learn to take every thought captive, to not beconformed to the world's thinking and to think scripturally. Rom 12:2, 2Corin 10:5
Day 5 That he might daily seek God with all his heart, walking in theSpirit moment by moment, growing in his dependence upon Him. Psalm119:1-2, Prov 3:5-6
Day 6 That he would ever be captivated by my love. Prov 5:18-19
Day 7 That he would be a man of courage. Deut 31:6, 2 Chron 19:11
I ask that you join me in this prayer challenge and pray for your husbands as well. I pray that the nation will be changed through the godly husbands and fathers.
I'm going to join you in this challenge. My husband is facing a lot of what seems to be spiritual attacks right now. It seems that everything he tries to do is hindered in some way. If you feel led, please say a prayer for us and I'll be praying for you as well.
I certainly will pray for your husband. There is power in prayer and where two are more are gathered...
We may not be in the same spot physically but we can certainly be together spiritually. I want so much to have a husband who is a spiritual leader and I believe that God will honor my request.
I am believing and praying that God will bless your husband and guide him through this difficult time. I pray that satan is bound and has no authority over his life whatsoever. You just tell that hubby of yours to remember that satan is under his feet and has no authority over him. He is a child of God and an heir in Him.
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