Whew today was a hectic day. Hubby and I woke up this morning and heading out to the church for church work day. The church had to have gutters cleaned, the two buildings powerwashed, parking lot striped, sanctuary cleaned, sunday school rooms cleaned, fellowship hall cleaned, etc. We all worked very hard and pastor's wife had a lovely lunch for us. It was a good day working hard for the Lord. Afterward hubby went to help my sis move back to our hometown and I headed off to pick up the girls from their cousins bday party. Then we went to Sams. I had to pick up some veggies and flour, instant potatoes, baking soda and brown sugar. Hubby went to wal mart and got 2 gallons of milk and 2.5 dozen eggs. I should not have to return to the store for anything for the rest of this month and next month except for milk. After our trip to Sams we had another bday party to go to. This one was a sweet sixteen soc hop. It was a lot of fun. People came in costume and they served old fashioned floats.
Now we are back home, all of us. Yes our youngest finally ended her mini vacation at Nanas and she is back home with us. I just finished folding two loads of clothes that had been drying on the line in the basement. I also started a new load, changed the sheets on the beds and sprayed them down with bleach water. I scrubbed the bathrooms and gave the dog a bath. Now for the first time today I am actually sitting down! My feet ache and my eyes are very tired but I feel good. It was a good thing to work hard today.
As oldest says it is slothful to be idle and lazy.... and it is a sin. She tells me this all the time. It seems that it especially if I am resting and she needs me to do something for her. But it is true. God does not intend for us to be lazy. He gives us strength each day to do all that needs to be done. But we also need to remember that it is not good for us not to get adequate rest. God even rested and He created us to need rest. It is good to work hard but it is also good to get adequate rest.
For those of us who work outside the home, have children and work keeping the home as well, this can be difficult because there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. For that matter it is hard for SAHMs to find enough hours in the day! But we must remember that if we do not get adequate rest....our bodies will give out. So it is all about finding balance. The perfect balance between work and rest. When you find that perfect balance you will feel good about yourself.
You will know that you have done your best and worked -- listened to your body and rested as well.
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