Sunday, June 29, 2008

Washing Soda is in!

Yahoo my case of washing soda came in! I just got finished making a double batch of laundry detergent. I also put a tiny drop of eucalyptous scent that my Nana gave me. It is a really strong scented oil so it only takes a TINY amount.
It smells so good!

I have my dryer working again since we were blessed to get our electric redone. Thank you Jesus! So I am very excited to get the laundry that has piled up after our weekend trip done and put away.

As I mentioned in my earlier blogs, we make our own laundry detergent. The recipe that we use calls for washing soda, which I could not find anywhere. So I was using baking soda....not the same thing. So I ordered some washing soda from Arm and Hammer and now I am excited to get the laundry going with this new batch of detergent.

It is a sad, sad thing when this excited me! :-)

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