I can remember as a child at my Mamaw and Papaws house sitting on the back patio, visitors would come and visit....often. Mamaw and Papaws house was always bustling with family and friends....for that matter I guess it often still is.
But anyway in the summer time we would sit out on the back patio. The water well was there and it was covered with a concrete patio and it was on this patio that sat all of the patio chairs. They were metal and a light green in color. We would all sit out there and visit in the evenings. People would come and go, cars would pull in and out of the long drive that led up to the small brick house (of course back then I thought it was huge). As each person would come they were added to the flock of worker bees who were breaking beans with mamaw. You see over half of mamaw's back yard was a garden. It was by far the largest garden I have ever seen in a back yard before. She had rows and rows of green beans and that meant buckets and buckets of beans that needed to be broken and "destrung". So as we sat on the back patio....we broke beans. It didn't matter your age....you were taught to break beans. For weeks the beans were broke...then for days the beans were canned.
As I sat on the back porch again tonight slicing apples to be put up for winter I thought back to those times when neighbors and friends stopped by so often to visit each other. That doesn't happen anymore does it? Back then it just wasn't uncommon for a car to pull up several times a day and a visitor to step out (family or friend). Now I will go days, weeks without a soul coming to visit. It is rather sad really. We have become so secluded in our world today. Maybe we thing we no longer need each other. Maybe we are just to scared...maybe the world has gotten to the point that we just can't trust anyone. Or maybe, just maybe we have found our friends in the television screen....in the internet....and we lost the real thing along the way?
I was very thankful today that I came in from work to find that Nana had sent home a casserole for supper. That meant I didn't have to cook...yahoo! I fixed some corn muffins to go with it and headed out to the back deck to work on the apples. When finished I came back in and finished up some chores and then my mother stopped by to give hubby his birthday gift. I sent some supper home with her so she wouldn't have to cook either and she greatly appreciated it.
The girls didn't complete all of their chores today so they have to move some of them to tomorrow. Tomorrow is church night so they didn't have any scheduled but now they have a few that they must complete before I get home.
We got our new water heater put in today. Nothing wrong with the other one but we are converting to all electric. We cannot afford gas this year. We are going to bless a needy family with our gas water heater that is still in good shape. Our heat/air pump will be put in tomorrow...praise God!
A friend of mine commented today on how bad the tires on the jeep looked. I simply must find a way to come up with the money to replace the tires soon! I will pray that God will make a way. He always does. Until then I will pray that He will keep us safe.
Due to the weather outage some friends of ours have lost all of their freezer foods. So I am going to go through the freezer this weekend and try to come up with some items to share with them. I need to defrost the freezer anyway and this will force me to do it. The freezer is at the very brim and Angel food is next month.
In the morning I simply must get up really early and get the house cleaned up a little more since the workers will be here while we are away working on the heat/air. I am always nervous when strangers are in my home. :-)
Well I guess I better log off....God bless!
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