Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Respite, Weekly Schedule, and more...

I love Sundays. It is the one day a week that we can relax as a family and regroup. Today I did have a shoot but it was with friends so it wasn't like work at all.

Church was nice tonight. I continue to be amazed at what God is doing in the life of my husband. This morning when we woke up I was in the kitchen reading and I heard the tv on in the bedroom. Usually it is on sports or news but it was on a morning preacher! He was in there alone and it was on a televised church service! I keep seeing these signs more and more each day. I keep praying that God will make him the spiritual head of our household.

I had a dream as a child that I would be married to a pastor. My pastor and his wife told me the other day that they see great potential in Kenny. They say that they feel a calling to nurture and help him on his walk. They understand that he is still a baby in his relationship with Christ but feel that God has big things for him. Wow....I just wonder. Oh I don't want to get the cart before the horse and I must remember that I am not in control, God is. I will just continue to pray and let go and let God.

My main goal this week is to focus on our family prayer and Bible reading time. In the morning when I first wake up I am going to be the first to read my Bible. I will pray for God to show me what to share with my family. I will write down what He reveals to me and also a certain scripture for the family to read. I will place this scripture on the refrigerator as the scripture of the day for all the family to see. Then right after our evening meal while we are still all seated we will bring out our Bibles and look up our daily scripture and read it again together. We will discuss the scripture and anything that we want to share together. We will also use this time to take prayer request from family members to start a family prayer list and we will pray this list together as a family every evening.

We are doing good with our new chores and Mattingly Missions. I have ordered Titus 2 books and hope that they give me some good ideas about how to organize my home better. Here is a glimpse into our lives this week...

5:45 AM - Hubby wakes and gets ready for work
6:30 - Mom gets up and starts getting ready for work
6:50 - Mom Bible study
7:05- Mom fixes breakfast and wakes up children
7:15-Eat Breakfast, Mom fixes lunches
7:30 -Kids get ready for school
7:50 - Morning Chores
8:10- off to school and work
3:00-Hubby off work and picks up kids from school
5:00 - Mom off work and heads home (home by 5:15)
***if Monday then we go to the library right after work, if not then supper prep begins right after work
6:30 -Eat dinner
7:00 -Bible Study
*****if Wednesday then we go to church from 7 till 8:30
7:15- Prayer Time
7:30- Evening Chores and any leftover homework
8:00 - Art class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays (we do this at home)
9:00- Read and then get ready for bed

The menu for this week is going to be kept fairly simple. Today I cut up a pork roast in smaller pieces and rolled them in flour that had been seasoned with garlic, salt, pepper, and several other seasonings and browned them in a skillet and then cooked them in the oven in a brown gravy. I served it with mashed potatoes and brocoli, carrots, cauliflower w/cheese. It was pretty yummy. Here is the menu for the rest of the week.

Monday - Breakfast -- fried egg, Lunch -- leftovers or lean cuisine, Dinner -- since it is library day I will put chicken breasts in the crockpot with a brown gravy and cook them all day while I am at work and serve it with scalloped potatoes.

Tuesday - Breakfast -- pancakes and sausage, Lunch -- hotpockets, Dinner -- leftovers (my friends are taking me out for my birthday so my family will eat leftovers tonight)

Wednesday - Breakfast -- cereal, Lunch --hotpockets, Dinner - at church

Thursday - Breakfast -- fried egg, Lunch -- sandwich, Dinner - fried chicken tenderloins, brown gravy, mashed potatoes, brocoli and cheese

Friday - Breakfast -- pancakes and sausage, Lunch - leftovers, Dinner- meatloaf, mashed potatoes

Well that's about it for this week. I will talk to you guys tomorrow.

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