Saturday, September 20, 2008

Super Saturday

Saturdays around here are the big chore day. Although all days except for Sunday and Wednesday have chores assigned. Everyone has chores but it seems that mom and the kids get the brunt of most of them. But daddy sometimes has to mow yards and do other yard work, etc. Plus it seems that chores seem to fall more on the ladies of the house for some reason.
On Saturdays our chores are as follows:
Jessica - shine all wood surfaces in house, sweep kitchen, clean all first floor windows, laundry, tidy room, clean toilets, put away her clothes, wipe down walls in hall and kitchen, wipe doorknobs and light switches
Jenna- sweep house, clean all first floor windows, tidy room, clean sink and counters in bathroom, put away her clothes, wipe down walls in hall and kitchen, wipe doorknobs and light switches, clean bathroom mirrors
Mom - clean out refrigerator and freezer, inventory freezer and pantry, plan meals for upcoming week, scrub kitchen, bathe dog, vacuum upstairs and downstairs, cook meals,
Dad - mop kitchen, mop hardwood floors
Each day some chores are repeated and others are new for the day.

Today hubby and I also went to visit our pastor's sister-in-law's house. They were having a get together to celebrate her new home. They served yummy food and her house is very beautiful. It was good to spend the evening together with Christian people who love the Lord.

The girls are at Mamaws tonight. I wanted them to just visit for the day but they wanted to stay all night. They like to sleep over there. It will be up to hubby to pick them up tomorrow because I will be preparing for a shoot. I have a family coming over at 12:30 tomorrow for my sis and I to do family portraits of them. We are going to shoot a few here in our in house studio and then we are heading out to a park nearby for some off location shots.

This upcoming week will be pretty hectic with some meetings and things that we have planned. OES in LJ is wanting me to serve as Chaplain this year and I told them I would but I am thinking about calling her or telling them Monday evening that I feel it would be best if I did not serve at this time due to my illness. I am going to try to only do church, work, home and a few photo shoots and that's it. I want to destress and focus on getting better.

The last princess foundation banquet is coming up very soon. It will be a busy time coming up over the next few weeks. I look forward to the banquet this year but it will be sad as we say goodbye after seven years of service to the children.

Well I guess that is it for now. I will leave you with a post on an idea to help keep the kids rooms under control as far as toys and clutter. Give the kids time to clean thier rooms and get everything in its proper place. Then call them to you and ask them if they have thier rooms ready for inspection. Of course they will say yes. Explain to them that anything that is not in its proper place will be placed in a large bag that will go into storage for at least a month. Tell them they have five minutes to go back into their room and make sure it is in order, set a timer and give them five minutes. At the end of the five minutes get a large garbage bag, have the children leave their room so they cannot watch what you put in the bag. Go in the room and anything that is out of place pick up and put in the bag to be put in a storage/hiding place for at least a month. I tried this and most of the time they couldn't even tell what was missing at first. After a few times of this practice they will get used to picking up there toys unless they want to loose them for awhile. The key also is while you have the toys away from them go through the bag and see what is broken and can be thrown away or what you feel can be given to Goodwill.

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