Friday, September 5, 2008

Alone with my girls

This is a special evening. Hubby is staying with a friend at his lake front property for the night and the girls and I are spending some much needed mommy time.

We started the night off on a yucky note though by having to take oldest to the doctor. She stumped her toe a couple of weeks ago at our birthday camping trip. It has become infected. So we have a prescription of antibiotics. But that's okay we know the Great Physician and we are not afraid.

Mommy also had to pick up her prescription as we are increasing the Topomax today. God will continue to heal me and I thank Him for my healing.

We decided to splurge tonight and ordered two pizzas from the local pizza joint in town. It was yummy and we have lots of leftovers for daddy when he gets home tomorrow.

We gave the doggy a bath. We put up a few quarts of tomato juice. And now we are going down to the family room to rent a movie. Then we are going to pile up in mommy and daddy's bed and snuggle to sleep.

:-) I love my girls. They are just grand! This picture reminds me so much of my girls. My oldest is dark haired. She has long hair. My youngest is light haired and her hair is short. Both of them though have daddy's deep, dark brown eyes. Our song is "brown eyed girl". We sing it all the time.

I thank God that He has blessed my life with my wonderful daughters. I have a lovely daughter waiting for me in heaven and two beautiful daughters keeping me company down here. The youngest of which is such a handful that I just know my darling Victoria picked her out personally to keep us busy so we would not be so lonely without her.

Well I gotta girl's are going crazy waiting for me to finish this blog!


tamlovesran said...

Your family sounds lovely and you have a such a special bond with your girls. Glad you had some girly time together!

VictoriousMommy said...

Thank you. I like to think that I do :-) sometimes that youngest sends me off the deep end but that's okay. I guess that's why she was born last....if God gave me her first....I probably wouldn't have had the other three! :-)
PS I am still praying for your husband as promised.