Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Home

Since I have been ill now since August 15th my home has seen better days. I am taking today to catch up on some much needed cleaning.
In doing so I am also doing some major decluttering again. I realized while unable to be of any help to my children or husband the last couple of weeks how much in my home is utter non sense. I really want my home to be welcoming and comfortable but I also want it to be frugal and useful.
My husband, bless his heart, was trying desperately to keep things going but it was difficult for him. It is no wonder. I have so many silly things around the house that are just for "show". In the "old days" people didn't have this sort of stuff. Why do we think we have to have it now? What a materialistic generation we are. There was a time when everything had a purpose and if it didn't have a purpose...well then there wasn't any room for it in your home. I am finding that I am moving more and more to this way of thinking the older I am getting. My recent sickness, which I am still fighting, has just proved it to me more.
So as I rumble through the house today I have my dust rag in one hand and a large garbage bag in the other and away some of this nonsense goes. do we come up with some of this stuff anyway?
The mealtime around home has been willy nilly to say the least. I am scared to plan because I don't know if I will be able to prepare it or not. I hope that I am on the upside of this and that I can begin to pick up the pieces of my life and start where I left off. I figure tonight I will heat up some salisbury steak and gravy, whip up some potatoes and a green vegetable...this the kind of meal my family loves.
I was able to make a new batch of laundry detergent last night. Hubby has kept up with the laundry quite well. I put away about two weeks worth of the kids clothes last night. It took me about an hour. I have a load in the wash, one in the dryer and about four left to do and it will be all caught up.
The floors still need to be swept, mopped and vacuumed. But the bathrooms are cleaned and the kitchen is cleaned.
I am also going to start a new binder system called Mission Mattingly's. This will be for the entire family. I found that no one quite knew what to do while I was out of comission. This will list what I do in each room each and every week and what is needed and where it is loacated. I thinkI will use this new binder system to deliver mission assignments every week. I think it will be kind of cool. I will let you know how it goes.
Since I have been racking up the dr. bills and hospital appts I will be making calls this week to ask the relatives to not buy Christmas gifts this year. Many of you know my plan for Christmas this year anyway but now I am going to have to scale it back even further. We are going to have very little to no money this year for Christmas. But that is okay. God will provide.
Well hubby will be home soon so I better hop off here and get started on the laundry and dusting. Good to be blogging again!


tamlovesran said...

I'm glad your feeling better and are able to be up and going. It feels wonderful doesn't it. After I've been down for a few days, I do what Flylady calls Crisis cleaning (I make the whole family join me if possible). That gets the house in good shape really quickly.
When I was pregnant with John Charles I created master chores lists. It lists the cleaning that needs to be done after each meal and before bedtime. I did this so that Randy and Zach could run things while I healed from my c section.

VictoriousMommy said...

That sounds like a great idea. Kind of what I want to get together for the family. Since I will be going to the University of KY for some studies, they will have a few days without mom...they will need to know the basics. Also they are thinking that I am going to have to come off of my meds for the study which will put me right back to where I was last week. I am not looking forward to it. But at least now we know what meds to put in my system to get the convulsions to stop.