Well it has been a little while since I did a "day in the life of" so I thought today would be a good day. We will just list my typical summer day.
Up at 6:30 pray, groom and start breakfast. Spend a little alone time either on the computer or watching the news.
Kids up at about 7:15. We eat breakfast and then I help them get ready for their day. I feed the dog and the cat and make sure they have fresh water. I pack hubby and my lunches. If I need to lay out something for dinner or put something in the crock pot I do it at this time.
I try to tidy up the kitchen a bit and finish getting ready for work and it is out the door by 8:15.
I drop the youngest off at Nana's and the oldest off at Ms. Jeanie's. I usually stop by McD's for a large unsweet iced tea with four splendas and a lemon. This is my way to start the day and the drink usually lasts me well through lunch.
I have to begin work at 9 AM and I try to be there at 8:50. I work at a printing company as a customer service representative. I handle 28 accounts and I work with all of the customers to get their work into the plant and then process it through the plant and ensure that it meets a timely bind and mail date. I also work with customers to ensure that they meet all postal regulations, etc. It would be difficult for me to explain what I do in just one small paragraph. I work mostly with trade publications and special interest publications. I work to ensure the happiness of both my external and internal customers. I really like my job and it gives me a sense of worth outside of the home. But I would trade it all in a heartbeat for the chance to stay at home and be a full time mother and wife.
Even though I work outside of the home I make sure that my children are surrounded by a Christian environment throughout the day and that I fill the evenings with as many special memories as I can. See previous posts about my family life.
Hubby gets off work at 3 and unless he has to mow a yard (he mows yards on the side to help ends meet), he picks up the girls and they are all waiting for me when I get home at about 5:15.
As soon as I get home I give lots of hugs and kisses to both the girls, hubby, the dog and the cat. Then I immediately start supper as the girls tell me all about their day. I make sure that my family eats a home cooked meal the majority of the days. There may be a few here and there that we order a pizza or stop and get a burger but those days are very rare. A lot of the time the girls will help me fix supper.
We don't watch tv in the evenings unless it is an old movie or the occasional disney show. Hubby watches tv in his room but I find it all revolting and not worthy of mine or my children's attention.
After dinner I work in the garden or work on the pool or something for a few minutes outside. Then it is back in again for baths and to get jammies on for bed.
The evenings are filled with baking, cleaning house, playing games, doing homeschool summer work, reading, cuddling and maybe watching a movie if we have time.
I tuckthe girls in and have prayer usually around 10 in the summers. Then I spend some time reading or posting on the computer or straightening the house some more. I try to be in bed at 11.
That is our day in the summer during the week.....we stay very busy around here. Idle hands or the devils workshop. And I definitely do not eat of the bread of idleness. So how are your days?
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