Sunday, July 27, 2008

Angel Food in for July

I picked up our angel food for this month yesterday. We purchased three regular menu boxes and two of the produce boxes.
We got a lot of fresh corn, onions, some potatoes, two small seedless watermelons, lettuce, carrots, and several oranges in the fresh produce box. I cooked up six of the ears of corn last night and the rest I cut up and froze for future use. I don't figure we will be able to use all of the onions before they go bad so I am goign to dice them up and freeze them. I have never tried that before but I can't see why it wouldn't work. We won't eat all of the carrots but we will eat several and the rest we use for dog treats for our mini schnauzer....good and healthy and a great teeth cleaner for him.
We received baby back ribs, pork tenderloins, shef stable milk, eggs, blueberry muffin mix, cookies, meatloaf dinner, chicken fritters, frozen broccoli, peas n carrots, and more.
We are always very pleased with our angel food order. I strongly suggest that you find a location for angel food near you.


Sam said...

Thanks you for the information. The correct web address is actually

VictoriousMommy said...

Yes you are correct, sorry for the typo.
Enjoy your angel food.