Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Midweek update - VBS Week

It has been VBS week at our house so that is the reason for no posts. We have been so very tired and busy each and every day. By the time we get home from VBS we are exhausted! But I thought I would jot down a quick note.
VBS is going great. I had thirteen kids in my class tonight and I have had 15 total attending my class. They are such a joy. I have children ranging from 3 to 8. Each of them are so very special in their own way. It is definitely a challenge keeping children in that large of an age group busy but with the help of hubby and another mother, and of course God's help above all, we are getting it done.
The kids are learning so much and they are really enjoying themselves. My oldest is not in my class, she is in the older class, but the youngest is with me. They are both having a grand time.

I also wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you guys that read my blog. I have so much fun posting. Once I get this VBS week finished I am going to start a new series on this blogspot titled....Mommy's Handbook. I look forward to sharing it with you.

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