Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday at the homestead

Well it is Sunday at the homestead and usually we don't do much work on Sundays but we simply had to today. The children visited a local VBS this past week from 6 -9 and with the camping trip last weekend....we are very behind on our housework.

So today we all pitched in and got the house in somewhat of an order. The bathrooms are scrubbed the kitchen is cleaned the bedrooms are straightened and some of the laundry is finding its way into the washer, out to dry and put in its drawer -- but not all of it.
I also need to try to get some cooking done today since we will be hosting our VBS this week and I will be teaching every night. Our VBS starts at 6 and ends at 8. I don't get off work until 5 so I need to have food that hubby and the girls can eat and already have their bellies full by the time I get home so we can hit the road running and get on to church.
So the menu this week is going to be simple and easy and items that can be prepared ahead of time and finished up quite easily. Sunday - today for lunch we had smoked sausage in beans and macaroni and cheese; for dinner we wil probably just have leftovers of that. Monday I am going to put some chicken in the crockpot that morning with some bbq sauce, I will serve that with some baked beans and deviled eggs that I will make tonight. Tuesday we will have sausages with peppers and onions with the leftover baked beans and deviled eggs. Wednesday we will have tuna salad sandwiches. Thursday it will be Turkey with gravy dinner that can be cooked in the oven and some mashed potatoes. Friday we will have dinner at church.
Also I will have zero time to do any house cleaning this week so it will be up to everyone to pitch in to keep the house in some sort of working order. We will see how it goes!
The girls and I just got out of the pool it was so much fun. Hubby isn't feeling well so he is resting in bed and it is going on 5PM so I am thinking of taking a small rest myself before church. Today we will be studying Abraham in my children's class.
I am looking forward to VBS this week. Our theme is SonForce Kids "special agents for Christ". I will get some pix taken this week of the church and how we got it decorated and will post them for you guys. My sister is going to come and help out this week and possibly her husband. Hubby is off this week lack of work so he will be coming in the evenings to help too. I hope that we have a good crowd of children and that they are all blessed and walk away with a closer relationship with Christ.
We are also sitting a big Golden Retriever this week named Maggie. Her and Buddy are getting along well. It will be interesting to see how this week will work out in our lives! As I tell hubby sometimes "Warp Nine!" It is going to be fast and busy! There will be much to do! But with God's help and guidance everything will turn out just fine.

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