Friday, November 21, 2008

My hubby

Today I want to dedicate this post to my hubby. I am so thankful for him in my life. He took me to the hospital Monday morning and he stayed with me the entire time. Even though it was as stimulating as watching paint dry, he never left my side.

We have had our ups and downs in our years of marriage but we always managed to make it through. There were times that I really thought we were not going to make it. There were times that I felt I was all out of love. It is those times when you have to let God do the loving for you.

Thankfully it is much better now. We have been through so very much. There were many times when I was broken and completely wounded, it is during those times when it seemed that he was his strongest and could carry me through. Other times he was the broken and wounded one and it was I would would carry him through. You see we have always been able to help each other to stand.

I thank God and give Him the glory that my darling hubby is growing in his relationship with Him. He is still a baby in Christ but he is growing. He is realizing a little each day the importance of placing Christ first. He goes to church every Sunday and helps me with my Sunday school class too. He feels perfectly at home in our little church and all of the wonderful people there are good friends now to him. He also listens to Christian music a lot and has favorite songs. He mentioned to me today that he missed the modern song service at our old church which is several miles away. We decided that we would go there and visit at least once a month. It was hubby that brought up that the past that wouldn't have happened. He is growing and I am so very thankful.

I will continue to pray for this darling husband of mine. I know that God isn't finished with him yet. I think God has great things in store for him. With a good dose of self confidence I think hubby will do amazing things in the name of Jesus.

So today I dedicate this post to my darling hubby. I am a very blessed lady to have this darling man on my arm!
Hubby is also a very good father. The girls love him very much. We all look forward to having him home with us.

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